Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Past Month it's been a month since I posted last. My bad. There are just only so many hours in the day. My 'to-do" list is always longer and this blog just happens to be towards then end of the list unfortunately.

As far as school goes, it's been an on again, off again type of relationship. I think we are just getting burnt out being stuck in the house day after day. The weather has not been nice enough to spend much time outside (until very recently anyway) And with gas as high as it is, we don't go anywhere unless absolutely necessary. Not that any of that is a good excuse but the truth is we haven't been as diligent about doing our school work as I feel like we should be.

We have still been studying our countries, but mostly we are just reading books about them, not really doing much paper work. In the past month we have studied Russia, Greece, and Italy. I will be making up a review "test" for the kids shortly after we finish up the next couple of countries which include Australia and Antarctica. It will cover the continents, the countries we've studied, their flags and capitals. It will be interesting to see how much the kids actually learned (retained) as we review for the test.

We are also still working on our bible studies and science. Those should be completed within the next week or so depending on how much time we put into them. Annabelle has been learning how to multiply double digits by double digits. We've been hung up on that for awhile though. She finally learned the technique, but now she needs to concentrate on just doing the actual math part correctly. Carrying numbers over has really confused her. So needless to say we are not moving on until she gets that mastered. Alivia is working on learning her multiplication facts.

Sammy is another story. We have not been doing much with him. At the beginning of the year he was doing pretty well, but then we hit a wall. Finally I just decided to put his school work away for awhile for both our sakes. I've tried it again a few different times, but it just seems like he's not getting it. The thing that frustrates me the most is he went to preschool for 2 years and never even learned his alphabet, he still does not know it! And as much as I try to work with him he's still not able to say it completely on his own. So I am thinking that we will be spending most of the summer working on learning his letters, being able to say the alphabet on his own and recognize letters out of order.

It's hard to believe that we've almost completed our first year of homeschooling. What a journey it has been! I pretty much have all our books for next year already and I can't wait to get started. I never imagined that I would be a homeschool mom, but now I can't imagine it any other way!

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