Saturday, May 14, 2011

In The Home Stretch

We are down to two weeks left before we finish up for the summer! The kids and I are so excited!! April wasn't a great month for us as we weren't really on top of our game so to say.  May has been pretty good so far though. Here is where we are in each subject:

Geography:This past week we finished up our Italy studies. We have also been reviewing the Countries we've learned so far including their capitals and the continents they are in. I was surprised at how much they remembered as we were going over it for the first time. Next week we are "traveling" onto Australia! It sure has been fun watching our "passports" fill up this year!

Math: Annabelle has been working on multiplying double or triple digits by double digits. She was having a really hard time with them at first, but she's got the hang of it now! I'm so proud of her for sticking with it. Alivia is learning her multiplication facts right now. I think we will continue working on our math facts throughout the summer. The kids aren't really happy about that but I think in the end it will be for the best.

Science: We will be finishing up our science book next week. There are only two chapters left but they are both short so I am just going to combine them.

Bible: We have 7 lessons left so we will be finished with that next Monday.

Language Arts: This week we did something a little different. The girls were doing independent study in their workbooks I bought a few months ago, but I felt like they weren't really learning it. Just doing the work as fast as they could. So, I decided that we'd go over some basic stuff this last few weeks. I found some neat books at the library to use. This week we studied verbs then we will move onto adverbs and adjectives to finish up the year. I am also considering working on them with these skills throughout the summer as well.

I can't believe that we only have two weeks left, but more than that, I can't believe that we survived our first year homeschooling! I was going through all the work we had done this year because the kids wanted a "report card" and I am pleasantly surprised to see that they actually accomplished a lot! Sometimes I felt like they really weren't doing much and that I was probably ruining their education. That doesn't seem to be the case though! As far as the "report cards" go it's kind of hard to give accurate grades because the majority of the work we did together. I did grade all the papers they did on their own though and found the averages scores. So with the the combined score I gave them for our group work and the scores they earned on their own they will
still both end up with all A's! Not bad if I do say so myself.

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