Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal....better late than never, right?

In my life this last week....
After some frustrations we were finally able to  trade in our 13 year old mini van and become the proud new owners of a 2005 GMC Envoy XL! It wasn't exactly the vehicle we had hoped for, but it was difficult to find exactly what we wanted within our price range. We are falling in love with it though...and in any case, it is 100% better than our old mini-van.
In our homeschool this last week....
Ironically I had planned Japan for this week a long time ago. So when I heard about the devastating news on tv it almost seemed fitting that we were preparing to learn about this country. Of course I didn't have any library books on Japan because I had failed at the said 'preparing' part, so I just Googled information. I figured all I'd find was about the earthquake and tsunami, but we actually found some fun fact pages. I also let the kids watch the news a few times so they could see what was currently going on. Brought tears to my eyes every time, but I think they liked the reality of it...not just reading about some far off country in a book. Not that they like what they were seeing, but you know what I mean....The same thing happened right after we studied Egypt.
In science we studies oceans...again, how fitting, right? The girls made an ocean display using a shoe box. We also made an ocean dessert...blue jello and gummy fish!
My favorite thing about this last week...
Of course, I was really happy to get our new car, but my favorite thing this week was the three day weekend we had! We spent the day Friday together as a family shopping for some home project supplies. Then Saturday the kids stayed with Grandma and Grandpa. Andy and I had a much needed date night. Of course we could have stayed out as late as we wanted, but ended up going to bed just after the 11:00 news! Such party animals I tell ya!
Pictures from this week....yes, they are from this week, today actually...some things just don't go as planned. That's all I have to say about that!
The girls worked on this ocean display together and had lots of fun!
Our homemade oceans...yummy!
Sydney loved the Ocean treat too!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the new vehicle! I have a 2003 Envoy, and we are trying to resist the urge to buy something else.

    Don't feel bed, our date nights usually end early, too. Mid-30's going on 60.. LOL!

    Visiting from THMJ.
