Thursday, November 18, 2010


Okay...I'm going to be honest here...not that I'm ever not honest, but you know what I mean. I started this blog with great expectations about sharing our homeschooling journey. As you can see by the frequent posts our first few weeks everything was going quite well. We were all gung-ho (or at least I was) about keeping on schedule and we would finish all our work with time to spare. happened. Little by little our perfect schedule started to spiral downward. One week we'd end up running here or there because of one thing or another but still getting at least the minimum amount of work finished. Then, the next week the kids would huff and puff about school so we'd end up skipping  a few days because I was too upset to deal with them. We'd still manage to get most of our work done, but not all of it. I vowed to myself that I wasn't going to let this happen, and then I got sick for a few weeks. My energy level (and brain function for that matter) were skim to none so needless to say once again school went by the wayside. Before I knew it, a week had gone by and we had only attempted school one day!

At this point I am feeling very frustrated. I can see that my kids (the girls at least) are not enjoying school. I understand that many kids do not enjoy school, and as a mother of a child in public school I wouldn't have much control over that. But, as a homeschooling mother, I certainly do! Isn't that the point of homeschooling anyway? So, after having an eye-opening discussion with a friend and fellow homeschooler I have decided that it is time for change. I am still going to homeschool my kids of course, but I have decided to change our curriculum. All kids learn differently, so I am actively seeking what will work best for my know, because I can!

I am not exactly sure on which direction I will go yet, I am of course praying for guidance. I know that we are where God wants us to be, at home, together. I know that God wants me to be more involved and in charge of my children's education. But, I also know that the discord that had been taking place in our household is not part of his plan and it definitely is not part of mine!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I came across your blog and thought I would offer a word of encouragement. I have been homeschooling my children for over 10 years. My oldest is a senior in highschool. Do not be discouraged, it seems to me, you are off to a very successful start. :) You are so right, each child does learn differently. I can not count the times I started on a curriculum thinking it was going to be wonderful, and it ended up just not working out. That is the beauty of homeschooling, we can make changes as they are needed. :)
    Keep up the good work and the Lord will guide you through.
